The way survivors will get tired if they attack with a melee weapon too often and too fast the way that obviously heavy weapons tire them out much faster the fact that I don’t just create myself and my friends in the character creator, but that I can save those creations and call upon them over and over again that you offer me a game mode where my created characters appear often as other recruitable survivors during my travels the (eerily accurate the more I think about it) way that characters interact with each other the almost organic way things can go from “this isn’t so bad” to “OMG why is everybody dead?” in a heartbeat.

If I want to avoid looking in a building entirely, well, you won’t make me.

If I want to try and lead a group of zombies outside of a store and loop back so I can search in relative peace, you give me that opportunity. I enjoy every nail-biting moment spent trying to find hidden caches while avoiding cannibalistic hordes because I’m in direct control. The way you let me lead my small team of survivors around in real time as I search desperately for supplies, in a manner similar to an action-adventure game, is sublime. Yet while your inspiration is obvious, what’s even more of an inspiration is how you’ve taken such a recognizable and beloved framework and made it your own. Of course, how could you? You follow in the footsteps of classic - dare I say timeless - games about crossing the country and not dying horribly along the way.